2. Testing VM in Docker

Verifying Docker VM before converting it to a Golem VM

If you simply want to validate the Docker image is working as expected before converting it to a Golem VM, please locate it in the flan-docker project and run the following instructions:

Manually send params to the VM

For this, we just need to remove the comments from the Dockerfile:

COPY params.json /golem/work/params.json

Now we save, and continue with the process:

# build the docker image and remove any previous version
docker build --rm -t nestorbonilla/flan-image .

# access the docker image
docker run -it nestorbonilla/flan-image bash

# run the flan bash file
bash run_flan.sh

And ready, we can verify the Docker image is working properly going inside the VM to the /golem/output directory and we will see our output files that should be downloaded.

# go to the output folder
cd /golem/output

# list the files
ls -al

You will now see the baci_plot.png generated image from the parameters.

Last updated

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